Project 1: Objectified


My object was inspired by the section of the Documentary Objectified where they talked about making potato peelers accessible to people with arthritis. It made me think of the Nintendo switch controllers and how they could be improved and easier to use. First I gave the Controller more depth, making it easier to wrap your hand around. I also Coloured the buttons, so its even  easier to distinguish them from each other.
I made the stick bigger so it can have a deeper feel to it, as well as the trigger. because the real ones are clicky and don't have a deep pull.

finally, the controllers are quiet small because its made for kids. so now there's an attachable part that goes around the bottom and side to essentially make the controller bigger, as well as distance the base of your thumb it so you don't have to bend your thumb at 90 degrees to use the stick, but can rest on it more naturally.
The documentary really inspires me to think of how the design of any object is really important and can be improved. There's a lot of rumors about a Nintendo switch 2 coming this year so hopefully they can make improvements like this too :)


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