
Showing posts from February, 2024

07 Papercraft Object Prototype

  The object I decided to recreate is a Lego minifigure. I still have to unwrap it and redo the face.

Project 5 8 unwraps of objects

8 unwraps of an object. I found a error that the ground plane would move around and rotate to whatever I select. But I found out that in the bottom theres a button called Auto Cplane and I acidently enabled that Another error I had is that the unroll command would spread all the faces out disconected. I had a little bit of trouble making it unroll flat, but I found out you can make sure its flat by making sure your only selecting points on one poligon when you rotate. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ This one I did 2 different unwraps, for the one in the top right I found its faster to just copy the parts, then move and rotate with osnaps. _________________________________________________

Papercraft research

We are making 3d objects out of paper. Before we do that we are researching different kinds of paper craft. There are many ways to make things out of paper. The artist I have chosen for my inspiration is  Hoang Tien Quyet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7      The works have lots of curvature and shape. You can use your eyes to follow lines that flow through the entire object. The curving shape of the paper helps make the animals look more natural. I also noticed some of the objects have textures. Number 5 has a texture on its body that makes it look soft and bushy.           The overlapping curves and shapes remind me of the way cars are designed. Especially with Number 6, because of the ways the curves flow through the whole object, and create overlapping points, points of tension, and curvature. The form is also made into very simple large shapes.      These objects are made with a special technique where you make the paper damp, and it allows for more naturally shaped folds instead of sharp folds. In